Bullhorn: Manage the Document Process within Bullhorn

Step 1: Open Secured Signing Document List

In Secured Signing tab

Login to Bullhorn

Open a record on the entity that Secured Signing integrated

Open Secured Signing in the tabs

In Secured Signing Dashboard

Login to Bullhorn

Open Secured Signing in Menu/Marketplace

Open Document Status in the tabs


Step 2: Document Grid

In the document grid, you can find columns

  • Document Name
  • Invitees Name
  • Process Start Date
  • Process Due Date
  • Process Status
  • Last Signed Date
  • Document Actions that what you can do with the document

You can create folder to organize the document in the left panel.

You can Search document using the search button on the right header.

Documents in a package are grouped, you can expand the package to see all documents inside.


Step 3: Document Actions

What you can do with the document

Each document comes with Secured Signing basic actions, including

  • : Click to view the document
  • : Click to view the log for the document
  • : Click to check if the document has verified digital signature
  • : Click to open document progress popup to manage signing process
  • : Click to send document to a person
  • : Click to delete document and stop the signing process
  • : Click to orginize the document in folders

Step 4: View Document Progress

Click icon to get the latest progress of the document.

A document progress popup will show up to display the progress of the document:

  1. Document due date;
  2. Invitees in the document.

Step 5: Extend Document Due Date

In document progress popup, you can change the due date of the document.

Click the date-time control to show a date picker, which will display the available date you can choose.

Click Extend button to change the due date.

* If the document status is completed, you can review the due date but can’t change it any more.


Step 6: Update Document Signatories

In document progress popup, you can change the signatories of the document.

  • Select an invitee.
  • Edit the invitee name and email.

You can also remove an invitee from progress if there’re 2 invitees or more.

You can also send a reminder to selected invitee if the invitee hasn’t signed yet.

After all changes to invitees, Click Update button to make the changes take effect.

* If the invitee already signed, you can’t edit or remove it.

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